
125219David Berry (University of Sussex) verzorgt op woensdag 28 januari om 16.00 uur (met aansluitend borrel) in Drift 21 zaal 032 een keynote. Berry is universitair docent bij Mediastudies en heeft een groot aantal publicaties op het gebied van Digital Humanities op zijn naam staan als auteur en/of redacteur, waaronder Understanding Digital Humanities (Pallgrave Macmillan 2012), Postdigital aesthetics (Pallgrave Macmillan 2014) en Critical theory and the digital. Critical theory and contemporary society (Bloomsbury 2014).  Berry’s keynote is getiteld:

Iteracy and the Digital Humanities

By examining the temporality of the projective nature of computational processes and traces, I want to explore how archive becomes database and database becomes interface, and therefore the implications for digital literacy in the humanities. Both in terms of what is remembered, and therefore visible, and what is forgotten, this presentation explores how a post-archival constellation raises important questions about the capacities and competences of a digital researcher. In contrast to the structure of traditional institutional arrangements which had a legitimation granted through a complex chain of practices and institutionalizations that authorized decisions to be taken about what of the past should be kept static and what should be discarded, today, in an age when software is delegated greater responsibility for a collection, computational rationalities are increasingly granted the task of archiving and re-presenting materials. Indeed, we are faced with a new archival machine that demands a different social ontology but also a way of exploring and interacting with archives through computational surfaces. These new gateways to social memory are manifested in algorithms that instantiate a new archival imaginary – a post-archival constellation that is constantly in motion, modulated and augmediated. Indeed, we might say that software de-archives the archive and requires new digital literacies in order to build and critique them.

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